August 18, 2020, 5-7pm
PRC Nights Online featuring Steve Bennett
along with Paul light, Stephen Sheffield, and Tara Khan

Photomontage may have come to prominence with Hannah Höch but digital media has turned it on its head. Neuroscientist David Eagleman describes the creative process in terms of “bending, breaking, and blending.” which to photographer Steve Bennett is the essence of experimental digital collage. Bennett begins with traditional photographs and uses Photoshop to bend, break, and blend them into composite images.
Steve Bennett’s passion for photography began during the era of film cameras and processing. Today, his digital work lies at the intersection of “what is” and “what if,” fusing photographs of natural and human made elements into surreal and imaginary worlds, presented in print and multimedia formats. Additional PRC members presenting on the 18th are Paul Light, Stephen Sheffield and Tira Khan who will be presenting their own Experimental Digital Collage.