November 16, 2021, 6:30-8:30pm
Featuring Sonia Targontsidis with additional PRC Members including
Becky Behar and Chelsea Silbereis
What began as a two-week quarantine turned into a seemingly endless stretch of seclusion. The hardships were many and continue to cause a wide range of adverse affects including financial, emotional, and health-related challenges. Those living with family members learned new meanings of the word “togetherness” and did all they could to navigate space, technology, and privacy, to make their new world habitable.
PRC Nights Online: Pandemic Family is an opportunity to see how photographers sheltering with their families stayed creative during the past 18-months. Our featured photographer, Sonia Targontsidis, is Based in the Boston area and earned an MFA in photography from Massachusetts College of Art and Design, and an MBA from Simmons University. Her work has been featured in curated and juried shows at venues across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Sonia works in higher education and fills her weekends with freelance work, when she isn’t negotiating new images with her family.
Becky Behar began her Homespun portfolio during the months of quarantine in 2020 when her college aged children all came back home. After dinner, she would often find them sitting together and knitting in order to create something that keeps them safe and warm. For this series she collaborated with her children using their act of knitting as a metaphor to construct a visual story of their pandemic lives. Becky Behar was born in Colombia and now lives in Boston. She has participated in group and solo exhibitions throughout the United States including solo shows with the Griffin Museum of Photography and at Workspace Gallery in Lincoln, NE. Becky also had work included in EXPOSURE 2021.