October 7 – November 19, 2020
Each year the PRC produces a highly-regarded juried exhibition of photography entitled EXPOSURE. Differing from many other juried offerings, EXPOSURE includes several images from each photographer’s series in order to more fully represent their work. This method of presentation accomplishes more than showing a single image by each artist and makes for a stronger and more enriching experience for audiences. This year the PRC was honored to have as our juror, Makeda Best, Richard L. Menschel Curator of Photography at Harvard Art Museums.
Exhibiting artists:
Francis Crisafio • Laurence Cuelenaere • Steven Duede
Jenny Edwards Ber • Odette England • Claudia Ruiz Gustafson
Michael Hintlian • Sarah Hoskins • Brian Kaplan
Vikesh Kapoor • David Kulik • Kevin Bennett Moore
Astrid Reischwitz • Liz Steketee

EXPOSURE 2020 Juror: Makeda Best, Richard L. Menschel Curator of Photography, Harvard Art Museums: For the past three years, Makeda Best has served as the Richard L. Menschel Curator of Photography at the Harvard Art Museums. In addition to regular permanent gallery rotations on historical and contemporary topics, her special exhibitions include: Time is Now – Photography and Social Change in James Baldwin’s America (2018) and Crossing Lines, Constructing Home: Displacement and Belonging in Contemporary Art (2019). She also teaches courses in the history of photography and curatorial practice at Harvard, Tufts University, and Lesley University. She has written for numerous catalogs and journals, most recently for the Archives of American Art Journal, The James Baldwin Review and the Rhode Island School of the Design’s Manual. Her forthcoming book is Elevate the Masses – Alexander Gardner, Photography and Democracy in Nineteenth Century America. She is co-editor of Conflict, Identity and Protest in American Art (2016). She has performed extensive service for the field, including as the juror for CENTER Santa Fe, the Aaron Siskind Foundation, and the Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist Fellowship Award. She has served as a reviewer at FotoFest, PhotoNola and Women Focus. She holds an MFA in studio photography from the California Institute of the Arts and a PhD in the field of the History of Art and Architecture from Harvard University. Photo Credit: Unique Nicole