Lisa Crossman, Curator at Fitchburg Art Museum, offered valued thoughts and advice to members in the PRC Portfolio Review session held June 18, 2018.
(Read about the PRC Portfolio Review program here.)
“It was a pleasure to speak with each photographer! I appreciated that the artists came into the review ready to present one or two bodies of work and with questions,” she said.
“There was a nice range of projects at various stages of development. I really enjoyed learning more about each photographer’s goals, the background or framework of the series presented, and uncertainties (if any) about specific aspects of the work.
“A number of the photographers were thinking about their subjects in a fresh, engaging way and it was fun to work through with them how that translated (or did not effectively translate) formally.”
Lisa reviewed the work of five members that afternoon, giving each the time needed to explore the issues. Even at that, though, “the review felt very relaxed and I appreciated the time between sessions [to recharge].”
The PRC appreciates the time and effort that guest reviewers contribute to the program. The opportunity to hear advice and observations from highly experienced and discerning professionals is a valued benefit of PRC membership.

Claudia Ruiz-Gustafson: “I am so thankful PRC gave me the opportunity to connect with Lisa Crossman for a portfolio review. She gave me important advice going forward with a new series of work as well as helped me figure out a sequencing problem I was not able to see for myself. Her advice was invaluable and I look forward to more opportunities like this to help me in my artistic journey.”

Elizabeth Albert: “I appreciated how Lisa challenged me to hone in closer on what I wanted to communicate with my pictures and to think more expansively about how I could present them. I came away from the critique with many new ideas and directions that I am excited to pursue.”

Stephen Wicks: “My portfolio review meeting with Lisa Crossman was both enjoyable and informative. She offered lots of detailed responses to individual images in my WEATHER & TIME portfolio and a good sense of how my images held together as a theme. Lisa was thoughtful, curious, open to questions and forthright as she offered her observations. Our review session was well paced, not rushed because she graciously offered an extended amount of time for a full sharing and exchange of ideas.”