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Andrew Mroczek and Juan Jose Barboza-Gubo present, FATHERLAND: Culture, Violence, and the Peruvian Landscape

    February 4, 2020
    Andrew Mroczek and Juan Jose Barboza-Gubo present,
    FATHERLAND: Culture, Violence, and the Peruvian Landscape
    University Hall, lower level screening room
    1815 Mass Ave, Cambridge

    Artists Juan Jose Barboza-Gubo (R) and Andrew Mroczek (L) pose for a portrait at the exhibition “Canon” on view at the Museum of Sex on Fifth Avenue, Thursday, October 19, 2017. (Photo Credit: Natan Dvir)

    The work of collaborative artists Juan Jose Barboza-Gubo and Andrew Mroczek, Director of Exhibitions at The Lesley University College of Art and Design, focuses on aspects of marginalization as the result of patriarchy as a social system, along with themes of masculinity, gender identity and gender roles as they affect LGBTQ communities, most recently, in Peru.

    In 2018, their landmark, three-site exhibition supporting Peru’s LGBTQ community opened in Lima, Peru with great controversy and celebration. Under the unified title, Canon, Lima’s esteemed Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, the Lugar de la Memoria, and the Centro Cultural de España showcased the country’s largest exhibition honoring LGBTQ Peruvians while unveiling the hostile and violent environment they have been forced to endure. 

    In January of 2020, Barboza-Gubo & Mroczek released their first monograph for the series Fatherland, published by Daylight Books. The monograph features 30 plates, vellum overlays, and includes essays by Fabrice Houdart, Human Rights Officer at the United Nations; Juan Peralta, Chief Curator at Peru’s Museum of Contemporary Art; and Leyla Huerta, trans activist and Director of Feminas Peru.

    There will be a book signing after the presentation. This event is free and open to the public.