Robert Thurlow (Salem, MA) is a MFA graduate from the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and holds a certificate in photography from the Maine Photographic Workshops (Rockport, ME) as well as a B.A. in Humanities with a concentration in photography from Bradford College (Bradford, MA). Currently, he teaches at Salem State College (Salem, MA) and Curry College (Milton, MA). His exhibition and award record includes selection for the Danforth Museum of Art's 2005 New England Photographers (Framingham, MA), Cambridge Art Association's 2004 National Prize Show , and the Essex Art Center's 2003 Juried Show (Essex, MA), among many others.
Featured online are selections from two series: Self-Iconolatry , self-portraits printed on wood, and Self-Consuming , portraits of the fast food industry. In Self-Iconolatry , he coats liquid emulsion on plywood panels onto which he then prints photographs of himself wearing various shirts. In Self-Consuming , an ongoing series, he documents his trips and meals at different fast food restaurants. Sentiments of humor and alienation emerge in all of his works; his sheer repetition of single images or ideas serves to enhance and challenge notions of pop culture and the banality of the everyday.
- Leslie K. Brown, PRC Curator
Click here for Thurlow's web site