eNewsletter archive
February 25, 2014: NEO, Flash Forward Festival, & Arno Raphael Minkkinen Lecture
February 18, 2014: The Photographic Resource Center in 2014
February 13, 2014: Godowsky Opening Reception Tonight
February 4, 2014: Godowsky Reception February 13th & Boston Globe Grant
January 21, 2014: UPDATE: January Portfolio Review Sign Up Rescheduled!
January 20, 2014: Sign Up Dates for Portfolio Reviews & Godowsky Opens Tomorrow!
January 14, 2014: Godowsky Color Photography Awards Opens Jan. 21
December 23, 2013: Happy New Year From the PRC!
December 16, 2013: Staff News, 2 Closing Exhibitions, and 2014 Godowsky Color Awards
December 3, 2013: NEPR Showcase Reception Thursday and Loupe Delivered
November 13, 2013: NEPR Showcase Opens Thursday & Food Night Next Week!
October 22, 2013: Surreal Night with Stephen Sheffield, PRC Gala Preview & Marie Cosindas Exhibitions, and NEPR Showcase!
October 9, 2013: Lou Jones Lecture, Surreal Night with Stephen Sheffield, PRC Gala, and more!
September 25, 2013: Portrait Night, Mary Ellen Mark Lecture, and October Upcoming Events!
September 10, 2013: September NEO, Thursday Receptions, & Mary Ellen Mark Lecture!
August 20, 2013: Upcoming Fall Exhibitions and Programs
August 6, 2013: August NEO, Collectors Focus, & Upcoming Exhibits
July 23, 2013: Staff News, Exposure, & Summer Appeal!
July 9, 2013: July NEO, Portfolio Reviews, Summer Appeal, & Exposure!
June 26, 2013: Urban Landscape Night, Portfolio Reviews, and June Loupe!
June 12, 2013: June NEO, Sidewalk Sale, Bazan Workshop, and upcoming events!
May 29, 2013: NEPR Portfolio Walk, Exposure, Sidewalk Sale, and Bazan Workshop!
May 14, 2013: NEPR Preflight & Registration, Assignment Night, Take 5
May 1, 2013: NEO, Treasures, NEPR Events & Registration, Assignment Night, Lecture Videos
April 16, 2013: Morell Lecture, Upcoming Nights, Collectors Focus
April 3, 2013: April NEO, Chin/Rodriquez Panel, Student Exhibition
March 19 , 2013: Rantoul Lecture, Unconventional Night, Satellite Exhibitions
March 5, 2013: March NEO, SIB Panel, Osterman Lecture, Unconventional Inventions, and Upcoming Programs
February 19, 2013: Collectors Focus, 8 Week Master Class, Frances Scully Osterman lecture
February 5 , 2013: February NEO, Doors of Perception Opening, Collectors Focus, Exposure Submissions
January 24, 2013: Swanson Seminar, Kessler Master Class, Doors of Perception, Satellite Exhibition
January 8, 2013: January NEO, Swanson Workshop, Collectors Focus, Upcoming Exhibitions
December 11, 2012: December NEO, Portfolio Reviews, Workshop Assistant Positions
November 27, 2012: #GivingTuesday, Friedman Workshop, Portfolio Reviews
November 14, 2012: November NEO, Opening Thursday, deCordova Lecture
October 30 , 2012: Photoshop Workshop, New Media Seminar, Post Auction Sale
October 16, 2012: Ernesto Bazan Lecture, Portfolio Reviews, Portrait Night
October 3, 2012: NEO, Fashion Night, Ernesto Bazan Lecture
September 18, 2012: Horenstein Lecture, Fashion Night, Museum Day
September 4, 2012: Reception Thursday, Horenstein Lecture, September NEO
August 22, 2012: NEPR Showcase, Upcoming Exhibitions & Workshops, Summer Appeal
August 7, 2012: August NEO, NEPR Showcase Reception, Upcoming Workshops
July 24, 2012: Exhibitions, Workshop, PRC Auction, Listings
July 11, 2012: Exhibitions, Workshop, PRC Auction, Listings
June 26, 2012: New Curator, Call for Auction Submissions, Summer Appeal
June 12, 2012: Reception at BSA, June NEO, Summer Appeal
May 29, 2012: Seminar with Alison Nordström and Rania Matar, EXPOSURE Reception Next Thursday, Large Format Night
May 15, 2012: Take 5 Foundation Exhibit, PRC in NYC, Upcoming Workshops
May 1, 2012: Shelby Lee Adams Lecture, NEO May, ChallengeTHIS
April 17, 2012: PRC in NYC, 21st Century War Photography, Harvey Stein Worskhop
April 3, 2012: April NEO, Student Exhibition, NEPR Registration
March 20, 2012: Vanderwarker Lecture and Workshop, Doc Night, Loupe Survey
March 6, 2012: Global Health Panel Discussion, NEO, PRC in NYC
February 12, 2012: Juried Exhibition, Women in Photography Night, Vicki Goldberg
February 7, 2012: February NEO, Global Health, PRC Juried Exhibition, Vicki Goldberg
January 24, 2012: New PRC Mission Statement, Global Health in Focus, Vicki Goldberg
January 10, 2012: January NEO, Landscape Night, Portfolio Reviews
December 20, 2011: Year-End Membeship Discount, December NEO, and Happy Holidays!
December 6, 2011: Janelle Lynch, Site Night, Listings
November 26, 2011: Janelle Lynch, Portfolio Reviews, PRC Bookshop, Website Workshop
November 8, 2011: Lynn Saville Lecture, Branding & Portfolio Workshop, Portfolio Reviews
October 26 , 2011: Auction results, workshops, lectures
October 12 , 2011: NEO, Catherine Wagner, Portfolio Reviews, Nights at the PRC
September 27, 2011: Collecting Workshop, Catherine Wagner Lecture, Library Reopened
September 14, 2011: 7 Turkish Artists, Indie Photobook Library, Costa Manos Lecture, Auction Update
August 30, 2011: Fall programs at the PRC--Space still available for Costa Manos workshop
August 16, 2011: News and events at the PRC and beyond
August 3, 2011: August NEO, Jerome Liebling, Costa Manos Workshop
July 20, 2011: Reception Thursday Night, Costa Manos Workshop, PRC News
July 6, 2011: Exposure opening, Costa Manos Workshop, July NEO
June 21, 2011: Summer Night Tonight at PRC, Upcoming Exhibits, PRC Auction
June 7, 2011: Jim Dow lecture June 20, Concord panel/reception, NEO
May 24, 2011: Documentary Night, PRC Auction, Lori Waselchuk, FFFB
May 10, 2011: Lori Waselchuk: Grace Before Dying
April 27, 2011: Reception Tonight, Student Exhibition, New PRC hours & Lecture Prices
April 12, 2011: Student Exhibition, April NEO, Juried Show, Job Announcement
March 30, 2011: Portfolio Reviews, Juried Show, Student Exhibition
March 15, 2011: Ed Kashi, PRC Juried Exhibition, Summer Youth Program
March 1, 2011: Summer Youth Program, Ed Kashi, Juried Exhibition, Portfolio Reviews
February 15, 2011: Juried Exhibition, Flash Forward Festival Boston, listings
February 1, 2011: Reception Thursday, NEO, Large Format Night, Portfolio Reviews
January 18, 2011: Jeff Jacobson, Memory/Autobiography Night, Portfolio Reviews
January 6, 2011: Mary Virginia Swanson, January NEO & Archives
December 15, 2010: Holiday Greetings, Mary Virginia Swanson Workshop
December 1, 2010: World AIDS Day, NEO December
November 17, 2010: Photos from the Gala, Watch PRC Video Online
November 2, 2010: NEO November, Upcoming Gala
October 19, 2010: PRC Launches New Magazine
October 5, 2010: NEO is Back
September 7, 2010: Michal Chelbin Exhibition, Renaldi Lecture & Workshop
August 24, 2010: Member Spotlight, Michal Chelbin Exhibition
August 10, 2010: Blog Book Review, Member Spotlight
July 27, 2010: Crisis & Opportunity Closes, First Night a Success
July 13, 2010: Crisis & Opportunity Reception
June 29, 2010: Documentary Night, Member Spotlight
June 15, 2010: Exposure Closes, New Sections on the PRC Website
June 1, 2010: Crisis & Opportunity Opens, Portfolio Reviews
May 14, 2010: Exhibition Listings, Member Spotlight
April 27, 2010: Photography News from the PRC and Beyond
April 13, 2010: Photography News from the PRC and Beyond
April 2010: April Photography News
March 2010: March Photography News
February 2010: February Photography News
January 2010: January Photography News